National Board Members
Randy Stowell – National President
Ted Bransfield – First Vice President
Jorma Hamalainen - Secretary
Ken Richardson - Treasurer
Gary Pollock – Director
Karen Hamalainen – Director
Matt Carson – Director
Doug Husson – Director
Neil MacLeod - Director
Gord Jenkins – Past President / Special Advisor
Percy Price - Special Advisor
Randy has a wealth of knowledge and an acute understanding of the impacts of service life. He knows the struggles that Veterans face; be it, in transitioning from the service to civilian life, in gaining access to services in a timely manner and in the well-being, care and support of Veterans and their families. These qualities will continue to serve all Veterans as the NVOC carries on its fine tradition of advocating and giving voice to the needs of our Veteran family.
Ted Bransfield
First Vice President and Director Advocacy
Ted Bransfield enrolled in the Canadian Forces in 1981 from the Miramichi in New Brunswick. He has been posted to a number of Combat Engineer units in locations around the world. After basic trade qualifications, he was posted to 1 Combat Engineer Regiment in Chilliwack, B.C. After three years developing his skills as a Sapper, he was posted to 4 Combat Engineer Regiment, Lahr, Germany, in 1985.
On his return from Germany, he was promoted to Sgt and posted to 22 Field Squadron in Gagetown, N.B., for one year. During that time, he was involved in the Oka Crisis. With his experience and expertise, he was sent to the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering, Chilliwack, B.C., for four years teaching bridge building and water purification. After the School, he returned to 1 Combat Engineer Regiment where he deployed as the Recce Sgt to Bosnia in 1997 and again in 2000 to Bosnia as a Field Troop Warrant Officer. During his time in 1 Combat Engineer Regiment, he was involved in numerous major bridging projects. He was intimately involved commanding the construction of a 300-foot floating bridge in Atoka, Bosnia, a 200-foot ACROW bridge in the village of Wainwright, a 120-foot ACROW bridge across the Battle River at Base Wainwright and a 120-foot Bailey bridge in the most southern part of Afghanistan which he constructed under combat conditions. In 2002, he was posted to Land Forces Western Area Training Center in Wainwright where he spent two years as Tp Commander of 1 Engineer Equipment Troop.
In 2004, he was promoted to MWO and appointed Squadron Sergeant Major of 11 Fd Sqn, 1 Combat Engineer Regiment, and deployed to the High Arctic twice. From January to August 2006, he was deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan, as part of Operation ARCHER ROTO 1, as part of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, the US-led war on terrorism. After returning from Afghanistan, he was posted to Land Forces Western Area HQ's in Edmonton as the Area Engineer Operations MWO. During his time there, he completed his Certified Engineering Technician qualification.
CWO Bransfield was then posted to Canadian Expeditionary Force Command (CEFCOM) in 2009 as the Joint Engineer Operations 2 MWO and appointed as the HQ's Sergeant Major. He was involved in all engineering aspects of operations in Afghanistan, the earthquake disaster in Haiti and many other operations around the world.
CWO Bransfield was appointed the OS Engineer Group CWO, Canadian Operational Support Command (CANOSCOM), on 22 June 2011.
CWO Bransfield was appointed as the RSM of the new Canadian Joint Operations Command Head Quarters (CJOC HQ) on 05 October 2012 to 08 Sept 2016.
CWO Bransfield retired on 08 November 2016 having completed over 35 years of service to Queen and country.
Matthew Carson CD, AFCASI, MRAeS
250 Country St., PO Box 1113,Almonte, ON, K0A 1A0
Mr. Matthew Carson, a Veteran of 17 years, served from 1955 to 1969 in the RCAF, and from 1972 to 1975 in the Canadian Forces Air Reserve.
His past service included participation in reconnaissance, arctic sovereignty, and mapping, as well as ice patrol and search and rescue flights in the Arctic on Lancasters as an Airframe Technician with 408(R) Sqn., followed by a tour of NATO duty at 4(F)Wing Germany on Sabres with 422(F) Sqn. On returning to Canada he was posted to CFB Gimli, and was on the team introducing the Canadair Tutor into service. He attended the Flight Technician course at CFB Borden in 1965, qualifying in all aircraft trades, and after attending Flight Engineer School at CFB Trenton in 1968, was posted to 412(T) VIP Transport Sqn. His reserve service was with 400 Sqn. in Toronto, and 401 Sqn. in Montreal.
Honorably released from the RCAF in 1969, he joined Pratt & Whitney Canada's Experimental Flight Test Unit where he remained for five years, followed by five years as Service Supervisor with the Bendix Corpn. He rejoined Pratt & Whitney and served ten years as a Senior Field Service Engineer, and several Management positions in Technical and Airline Support, including Technical Support Manager PW100 Engines, and Manager International Field Operations. He then joined the parent US Pratt & Whitney Company and served overseas in Germany, Switzerland, Ireland and France as a Senior Field Service Engineer supporting various European and North African Airlines, before returning to Canada as Senior Field Support Engineer supporting various Canadian airlines. He retired in 2002.
In recognition of his service to the Canadian aircraft industry he was promoted from Member to Associate Fellow of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Flight Test Group. He is also a Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society, the Canadian Military Flight Engineers Assn., and the Ontario Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Assn., as well as the Experimental and Vintage Aircraft assns. He remains active as a Transport Canada licenced Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, and enjoys constructing and maintaining vintage aircraft.
Matthew continued to serve his community as a member of the Executive of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute - Quebec branch, Technical Director of the Canadian Aviation Heritage Center and the Centennial Bleriot Aircraft project , a member of the Executive of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society in Quebec, and now as Colour Sergeant, Parade Commander, and Veterans Service Officer, and member of the Executive of Branch 240 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Almonte Ontario. He currently also serves as Vice President of 410 Wing - Royal Canadian Air Force Association. He is also Veterans Flight Commander for the National Battle of Britain Parade.
Matthew served as National Secretary, Adjutant, and Membership Chair of NATO Veterans of Canada, a Veterans only organization, and continues in NVOC as Director of Membership & Provinces and Territories, and Chairman of the local NVOC Ottawa/Gatineau Unit. He was awarded the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal for his "contributions to Canada", and the Governor General Sovereigns Medal for Volunteers. His military medals include the Canadian Forces Decoration, and the Special Service Medal - NATO bar.
Director of TechnologyGary was born in Montreal in 1936 and raised on a farm in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.
He joined the RCN as an Ordinary Seaman electrician in 1957. He served in HMS Ships Nootka, Columbia and Chaudiere and on the Flag Officer Atlantic Coast (FOAC) Operational and Technical Trials team. He advanced to Petty Officer First Class before graduating from the Branch Officers course in 1967 and being commissioned as a MARE (Maritime Engineer)
He served for seven years in Fleet School, Halifax in software maintenance/development, in Tribal Class training development and as an instructor. Gary was promoted to Lieutenant Commander in 1974 and qualified as a Combat System Engineer (CSE) in 1976.
He served in HMCS Iroquois as CSE from 1976 to 1979, and then was posted to NDHQ in 1979 as a project officer in the Submarine Operational Update Program. He was promoted to Commander in 1983 and served as DMCS2, Section Head for Surface and Air Weapons till his retirement in 1987.
He was then employed by Paramax, the combat systems contractor to Saint John Shipbuilding for the Canadian Patrol Frigate program, as Section Manager for Trials Development in Montreal and then as Department Manager for Trials Implementation in Halifax, Saint John, and Lauzon, QC. He retired for the second time in 1992.
Gary has been a member of the Royal Canadian Legion since 1990, serving in two Branches as Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Parade Marshal and President. He was awarded Life Membership in the Legion in 2012.
In addition to his Legion Branch work he has been a Legion Zone Treasurer, Chair of Property and Finance and Peoples Warden for Saint Paul's Anglican Church in Almonte, Treasurer for the Hub Hospice Palliative Care, a member of the Almonte Amateur Radio Club and a volunteer radio operator at the Diefenbunker. Gary was awarded the Queens Jubilee Medal in 2015.
Gary and Vivian Dole were married in 1961 and have four grandchildren. Their son lives in Dartmouth, NS, with his family. They lost their daughter to cancer in 2011.
After deciding that the military was a young man's game he transferred (without losing a pensionable day) to the federal government at Public Works Canada (DPW). He became the Director of Administration with 10 different sections (after doing a study of the administration the Deputy Minister (DM) made the horrible decision to have him implement his recommendations). He then became the Departmental Treasurer before being selected by the DM for assignment to the Royal Bank of Canada HQ in Toronto.
After 35 years in military and federal government Gord retired and started his own consultancy firm in Electronic Banking. He then worked, accompanied by his wife, for 2 ½ years in Sweden then on to Hong Kong, Canberra, and Singapore before finishing off in New Delhi.He is currently National President of the NATO Veterans Organisation of Canada ( He is also Past President of the General Burns Community Association in Ward 9 ( He has been a Freemason for over 50 years.
He was awarded the City of Ottawa Mayors Award by City Council (City Builder Award) in 2013 and was also chosen to be one of "the First 60" to receive the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal at Rideau Hall same year. He has been awarded the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation (2009) for previous veteran's work before NATO Vet Org, also the Ottawa Carleton School Board Community Award (2008) and the International Distinguished Service Award from the Shriners (2007). These awards now are on Gord's basement office on his “I Love me” wall :>)© 2016 NATO Veterans Organization of Canada. All rights reserved.
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