Media Report 10 Jan 2020
Media Report 03 Jan 2020
Media Report 27 Dec 2019
Media Report 20 Dec 2019
Good News!!!
Durham, Unit 7 is now formed and has 12 members and an Executive.
Bob Hartley is the Unit Chair. Below is a photo of Bob helping out with
Poppy sales in Nov 2019
PASSING OF Thurston Kaulbach, Tud
Thurston passed away early this week. He had been ill for some time and undergoing treatments. The only information regarding a funeral the family are looking at Saturday, December 7th. That has not been finalized
Tud was always supportive and encouraging in his communications with everyone.
His military service; his family: his interests: his travels: his contribution to veterans serving as a Director of NVOC; his character and “gentlemanliness” [he really was an Officer and a Gentleman]
Tud will be truly missed as a NVOC team member and for his sage advice
Tud thank for your many years of service to Queen and country.
Media Report 29 November 2019
Media Report 22 November 2019 - Long Term Care
November 7, 2019
Pension indexing rate for 2020
Effective Jan. 1, 2020, the indexing increase for public service, Cnaadian Armed Forces, RCMP and federally apointed judges' pensions will rise to two per cent. More information on the calculation of this index can be found in the News and Views section of our website.
National Association of Federal Retirees
865 Shefford Rd. Ottawa, ON K1J 1H9
T | 1.855.304.4700 F | 613.745.5457
Media Report 15 Nov 2019 - Treatment Benefits
Media Report 08 Nov 2019 - Caregiver Recognition Benefit
Media Report 01 Nov 2019 - Questions
Media Report 25 October 2019 - Questions
Media Report 18 October 2019 - Review and Appeal Board Process
Media Report 11 Oct 2019
Media Report 04 October 2019
Veterans Identification Card
Media Report 27 Sept 2019
To Kenneth Richardson our National Treasurer and member on the Board of Directors of NATO VETERANS ORGANIZATION of CANADA (NVOC)
I am pleased to inform you all that our National Treasurer and member of the Board of Directors of NATO Veterans Organization of Canada, Kenneth Richardson has been awarded the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers in recognition of his contributions to his community. Administered by the Office of the Governor General, this medal is part of the Canadian Honours System and celebrates exceptional volunteer achievements in a wide range of fields.
A short paragraph, that we call a citation, reflects the reasons for his medal.
Here is Kenneth citation:
Kenneth Richardson has been a valuable volunteer with Scouts Canada. He has helped youth learn about the outdoors by serving in positions such as Troop Scout Leader, Cub Pack Leader, Camp Chief, and Area Commissioner. He has also assisted veterans through volunteering with the Royal Canadian Legion and the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada.
Media Report 13 Sept 2019
I am pleased to inform you all that our National President of NATO VETERANS of Canada organization has been awarded the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers in recognition of his contributions to his community. Administered by the Office of the Governor General, this medal is part of the Canadian Honors System and celebrates exceptional volunteer achievements in a wide range of fields.
A short paragraph, that we call a citation, reflects the reasons for his medal.
Here is Mr Randy Stowell's citation:
As President of the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada, Randy Stowell advocates for the specific needs of veterans and their families following military service and during the transition to civilian life. He also served as President of his branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, where he helped to make the building more accessible for its members.
Ted Bransfield
Vice President NVOC
Media Report 6 Sept 2019
Media Report 30 Aug 2019
Media Report 23 Aug 2019
Media Report 16 Aug 2019
Media Report 02 August 2019
Media Report 26 July 2019
Media Report 14 June 2019
Media Report 17 May 2019
Minister Sajjan and Minister MacAulay mark Mental Health Week - Les ministres Sajjan et MacAulay soulignent la Semaine de la santé mentale
(Le français suit)
Dear Stakeholders and Advisory Group members,
The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, and the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, issued the following statement marking Mental Health Week.
We encourage you to pass it along to anyone who may be interested.
Minister Sajjan and Minister MacAulay mark Mental Health Week
Cher(e)s Intervenant(e)s et membres des groupes consultatif,
L’honorable Harjit S. Sajjan, ministre de la Défense nationale, et Lawrence MacAulay, ministre des Anciens Combattants et ministre associé de la Défense nationale, ont publié la déclaration suivante soulignant la Semaine de la santé mentale.
Nous vous encourageons à la transmettre à tous ceux qui pourraient être intéressés.
Les ministres Sajjan et MacAulay soulignent la Semaine de la santé mentale
Veterans Golf Tournaments for 2019 at Trenton, Kingston, Hamilton, Ottawa, Petawawa, Gatineau, and Shilo in Manitoba.
Emeritus Golf Website
Media Report 26 April 2019
Photo from the presentation of The Quilt of Valor for Mr Gord Jenkins
From left to right from NVOC Board of Directors, National President Mr Randy Stowell, Treasurer Mr Ken Richardson. Recipient of the Quilt of Valor Mr Gord Jenkins, Good Friend Mr Mark Paine, Vice President Mr Ted Bransfield
Photo taken on the 17 April 2019
Navan's Eric Smith among only Canadians to fly combat missions in both WWII, Korea
Uploaded 22 April 2019
LGBT Purge Final Settlement Agreement outreach
I'm reaching out from Communications at Veterans Affairs Canada as we,
along with our colleagues at the RCMP and DND, are looking to spread the
word regarding the upcoming deadline for claims in the LGBT Purge class
action lawsuit settlement.
I'm hoping you'll be able to assist with disseminating information to your
members, as well as hopefully sharing information via your social media
channels if possible, even if it can be something as simple as an
occasional retweet (for example a recent tweet in in
English<> and
I have some information attached including a backgrounder for further
details, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Marc Lescoutre
Communications Officer, Communications Division
Veterans Affairs Canada, Government of Canada
Tel: 613-410-1824<>
Agent de communications, Direction générale des communications
Anciens Combattants Canada, Gouvernement du Canada
Tél : 613-410-1824<>
Veterans Appreciation Luncheon
Posted 21 April 2019
Dear NATO Veterans Organization of Canada,
My name is Joon Sohn and I am from student-led organization Hold High the
Torch at École Salish Secondary. We are hosting a *Veterans Appreciation
Luncheon on Saturday May 11, 2019, 11:00am - 2:00pm at École Salish
Secondary (7278 184 St, Surrey, BC V4N 5V2). *
We want to honour our local veterans, active-duty military personnel and
their spouses/caretakers by treating them to a complimentary lunch with
great food, activities, prizes, and live entertainment provided by Pat
Chessell. The Keynote Speaker will be The Honourable Yonah Martin, Senator
from BC. It is a grateful opportunity for Surrey/Langley residents to show
our appreciation for those who served our nation and fought for our
freedoms. Attached is an invite flyer.
*We are asking for your help to promote this event among local veterans who
are associated with NATO Veterans Organization of Canada. We understand
many of our older veterans aren’t online, so if you could simply provide us
the names and phone numbers of those who are interested in attending - that
would be amazing. They are welcome to phone (778) 388-4746 as well. If
they would like to register online, please visit EventBrite -
<>. *
Kind regards,
Joon Sohn
Weekly Media Report 12 April 2019
Uploaded 9 April 2019
Weekly Media Report dated 05 April 2019
Weekly Media Report dated 28 March 2019
Canadian Armed Forces Transition
Group (CAF TG)
Presentation to NATO Veterans Of Canada
25 March 2019
Photo from the presentation of The Quilt of Valor for Mr Gord Jenkins
From left to right from NVOC Board of Directors, National President Mr Randy Stowell, Treasurer Mr Ken Richardson. Recipient of the Quilt of Valor Mr Gord Jenkins, Good Friend Mr Mark Paine, Vice President Mr Ted Bransfield
Photo taken on the 17 April 2019
Photo from the presentation of The Quilt of Valor for Mr Gord Jenkins
From left to right from NVOC Board of Directors, National President Mr Randy Stowell, Treasurer Mr Ken Richardson. Recipient of the Quilt of Valor Mr Gord Jenkins, Good Friend Mr Mark Paine, Vice President Mr Ted Bransfield
Photo taken on the 17 April 2019
Weekly Media Report dated 22 March 2019
CAF Transition Group
For you information. A CAF Transition Group is getting set up – includes VAC senior staff embedded within the Group. Better than a two day SCAN Seminar! Please see the presentation below for details.
Uploaded 30 Jan 2019
National President Randy Stowell 's
January 2019 Report
President's Message January 2019.pdf
Uploaded 30 Jan 2019