Media Report 05 JULY 2024.pdf

List of all benefits

Media Report 12 April 2024.pdf

Disability benefits 

Media Report 19 JAN 2024.pdf

Maximum Rates for the Veterans Independence Program12024 

Media Report - 14 April 2023.pdf

Disability Award Increase

Media Report - 07 April 2023.pdf 

Strategic direction for improving processing times 

Media Report - 27 Jan 2023.pdf



This “opinion” from our NVOC Patron is as true and relevant today as it was seven years ago. In 1986, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney appointed him Canada's Chief of the Defence Staff, a position he held until his retirement from the military in 1989.

In 1980, he was invested as a Commander of the Order of Military Merit. In 1987 he became an Officer of the Order of St. John, and in 1989 he became a Commander of the United States Legion of Merit. He received the C.D. Howe Award in 1992 "for achievement in the fields of planning, policy-making and leadership in aeronautics and space".[ In 2002, he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada for being "an exemplary and inspirational military leader, business executive and volunteer" and for having "served his country with honour and distinction". In 2003, he was a recipient of the Vimy Award, which "recognizes Canadians who have made outstanding commitments to Canadian security and defence and towards preserving our democratic values." In 2009, Manson was added to the Wall of Honour at the Royal Military College of Canada, and in 2018, he was inducted into Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame. General Manson is the recipient of honorary Doctorate of Military Science degrees from both Royal Roads and Royal Military College.

Canada’s forgotten Cold Warriors


Contributed to The Globe and Mail

Published November 11, 2015

The federal election campaign, coupled with recent compelling reporting in The Globe and Mail about Canada's military veterans, has stimulated welcome – and much needed – discussion about our veterans and the ways in which they are treated.

But references in two recent and otherwise thoughtful articles follow a disturbing pattern. One article, which included tallies from Veterans Affairs Canada, referred to "685,300 Canadian veterans: 75,900 from the Second World War, 9,100 from the Korean War and 600,300 from subsequent peacekeeping missions and conflicts, including at least 40,000 younger Afghanistan war vets." Another opinion article took up the same theme, referring to Canadian casualties in the First and Second World Wars, Korea, Afghanistan and "numerous United Nations peacekeeping assignments."

Stunningly absent from both accounts is even the slightest mention of what was by far Canada's most important military activity since 1945: Our contribution to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) in the Cold War, from 1950 to 1990. It was a massive commitment. Several hundred thousand Canadian military members served in the vital cause of deterring Soviet aggression, thereby joining Canada's allies in preventing the outbreak of a third world war and the nuclear holocaust that would have ensued.

And our Canadian soldiers, sailors and air officers were good. At one point, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, an American, told me, "You Canadians set the standard in NATO." We were well trained, well equipped and superbly motivated. In spite of unique organizational challenges, we earned great respect from our allies. Our small but powerful mechanized brigade in West Germany was an elite force, given the toughest assignments. Our air force, both in NORAD and in Europe, won numerous competitions, especially with the Canadian-built and powered F-86 Sabre, considered the world's best fighter in the 1950s. At sea, our navy showed that it was a quality force. On several occasions, a Canadian was chosen to command NATO's Standing Naval Force Atlantic.

Canada and Canadians paid a heavy price for all this. To put it concisely, our Cold War operations resulted in more fatalities due to military service than in the Korean War, the Balkan conflicts, the Gulf Wars, Afghanistan and peacekeeping – combined. For aircrew deaths alone, the number was 926.

Why has this been forgotten, to the extent that Cold War veterans apparently don't seem to deserve even a passing mention these days?

Some possible reasons come to mind. Much of this happened a relatively long time ago, much of it far from home – in the north, at sea, in Europe. And news media coverage was much less intensive in the days before real-time TV reporting and embedded journalists. For example, whenever a Canadian airman was killed in Europe (as more than 100 were), he was invariably buried in a small military cemetery in Choloy-Ménillot, France; no ramp ceremony, no funerary procession along the Highway of Heroes, no headlines.

Then there is the mythology that has arisen to the effect that peacekeeping has been the principal occupation of Canada's military since the Second World War. Our Blue Beret peacekeepers did wonderful work back when there were real opportunities for keeping conflicting armies apart, but the reason they were so effective is that they had the skills and credibility that come from having been trained for modern heavy warfare.

Another explanation for the public silence regarding Canada's NATO and NORAD veterans is that there has emerged a troubling tendency on the part of some in this country to look upon those who did not fight in a shooting war as second-class veterans.

My entire career was encompassed by the Cold War years, including 10 years with my family in France and Germany. The Cold War, however, was not a shooting war. I have told Canadians on many occasions that my greatest pride in having served is that, from the end of the Korean War until I retired 37 years later, not a single shot was fired in combat by the Canadian military.

Our job was deterrence, and deterrence worked. We trained for war so that we wouldn't have to fight a war.

It's a shame that the story has been largely forgotten. On this Remembrance Day, my earnest hope is that Canadians, when they pause to commemorate the many sacrifices that our veterans have made through the years, will give a moment to those whose service as Cold Warriors, although unheralded, really made a difference. Lest we forget.


Ukraine has taken delivery of its first mine-clearing machine, which was made by a British company and cost almost $500,000
Charity building tiny home communities to end veteran homelessness
BIA announces veterans banners will go up Thursday in downtown Chilliwack; Harold Zinke to lay wreath on behalf of BIA
onférence et exposition sur l'histoire militaire gaspésienne
Over two million trees planted along Highway of Heroes in eight-year-long tribute to veterans
'The future is in good hands': Calgary students lay poppies to honour fallen soldiers
Trente ans après le conflit: deux policiers Québécois ont tourné un documentaire en Bosnie


Base/Wing — Newspaper

14 Wing Greenwood — The Aurora

17 Wing Winnipeg — The Voxair

22 Wing North Bay — The Shield

CFB Halifax — The Trident

4 Wing Cold Lake — The Courier

CFB Edmonton — The Western Sentinel

CFB Esquimalt — The Lookout

CFB Valcartier — The Adsum

CFSU Ottawa — The Guard

CFB Kingston — Garrison News

CFB Shilo — The Shilo Stag

CFB St Jean — The Servir

19 Wing Comox — The Totem Times

3 Wing Bagotville — The Vortex

8 Wing Trenton — The Contact

CFB Borden — The Citizen

CFB Petawawa — The Petawawa Post

Base Gagetown — Gagetown Gazette

  •  Presidents New Years Message for 2022

  •  Veteran members – we are all living a difficult life during this COVID time – we also have much to think about, and also to give thanks for our many blessings. Most of us have food and drink and we are comfortable in our homes – there are perhaps 4,000 veterans who are living on the streets? This is a worry. My personal message to all our members is to keep faith as military veterans. We are not para-military civilians – we all served in the Navy, the Army and the Air Force. Our service at home and abroad was service that is unique in the life of a Country. Stay proud of your service. Consider your own service. Listen to a some music about being “Military”: The Queen’s Christmas message talked of “ in the future” Wishing you and your families all a new year that has joy and satisfaction. A sense of purpose. Hope.

  •  Randy Stowell, CD
  • National President
  • NATO Veterans Organization of Canada

The Royal Canadian Legion 2021 “It’s our duty” position paper

It's Our Duty Position Paper Letter to MPs 27 August 2021 EN.pdf

National Battle of Britain ceremony 2021

Sunday 19 September

Greetings all,

Thanks to your help last year - there were 87,000 viewers of the ceremony..

The Ceremony this year will take place at the old section of the National Military Cemetery. There will be no public access again this year.

The link is Facebook membership is not required.

The ceremony begins at 1000 EST with the posting of the vigil and colour party.

The Commander RCAF arrives at 1025 and the ceremony ends at 1115.


Message from the Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence

To: VAC Stakeholder Community,

These past few weeks have been incredibly difficult for our Veteran community. With the Taliban’s rapid advance across Afghanistan, it appears that the entire country could soon be under their control.

Given all it represents to so many of our Afghan Veterans, the fall of Kandahar will surely be particularly challenging. Having never worn the uniform, I know I will never be able to understand what so many of those who served there are grappling with.

As Minister, though, I want to provide some resources that I hope might be of use for those of you – and to those you serve – who might understandably be struggling with the situation in Afghanistan.

§  At Veterans Affairs, please know that the VAC Assistance Service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Veterans, former RCMP members, families, and caregivers can call to speak with a mental health professional, free of charge, at 1-800-268-7708 (TDD/TTY: 1-800-567-5803.)

§  For those still serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, support is available to members and their families at each Canadian Forces Health Services centre across the country.

§  The Member Assistance Program also offers 24/7 confidential short-term counselling to members and their families, and can be reached at

1-800-268-7708 (TDD 1-800-567-5803.)

§  Some additional information on mental health resources can also be found through the Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Canada.


Because of what Canadians achieved in Afghanistan, lives have been changed, unquestionably, for the better. There are children who received medicine that allowed them to reach their teens when they otherwise wouldn’t have. There are now young women studying law, physics, and journalism at some of the world’s finest universities who would never have gotten that opportunity.

Time will tell us what those stories mean, but I choose to believe that the world will be better for them.

However this chapter in Afghanistan’s history ends, Canada will not forget the actions of the more than 40,000 of our remarkable men and women who served there – the stories of their sacrifice will outlast them.

Our kids and grandkids are going to learn about the Canadians who fought and gave their lives in the streets and poppy fields of Kandahar, just like they will about the ones who fought and gave their lives at Vimy Ridge and Juno Beach.

Their wars might be different, but their stories are fundamentally the same. They went off to serve their country, and they did all that was asked of them and more.

How our Afghanistan Veterans and their families will come to understand their sacrifices is surely not for me to say, but I can promise that Canada will remain forever grateful for their service.

Please take care, and thank you for the work you all continue to do in support of our Veterans and their families.




Lawrence MacAulay

Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence

Peer Support Consultations 

The Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada are jointly developing a peer support program for those affected by sexual misconduct in the military. We would like to engage with people with lived experience to gain feedback and insight on what the peer support program should include.

Enclosed is the call for participation. We want to ensure that we have a diverse and inclusive representation, and ask that you forward this request to your communities to anyone who may be interested in participating in this process.

If you or anyone else is interested in participating, please email this address and someone will reach out to provide further information and next steps.

Thank you,

DND/VAC Peer Support Project Team


Peer Support Consultations.pdf

 Attention Veterans! Become certified in Mental Health First Aid

CORRECTION Veterans Mental Health First Aid

Deputy Minister, Veterans Affairs Canada

Paul Ledwell

Paul Ledwell was appointed Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs effective May 25, 2021. He brings extensive experience in government affairs, public policy and research, and organizational strategy, including extensive work with partners in government, private and voluntary sectors and the media.

Paul served as Clerk of Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet in the Government of Prince Edward Island since June 2016 in addition to serving, from June 2015, as Deputy Minister, Policy and Priorities, leading policy development across government and with portfolio responsibilities for Intergovernmental and Public Affairs, Indigenous Relations and Acadian and Francophone Affairs. Before his appointment to provincial government, he served as Vice-President, Government Clients, with Morneau Shepell, Canada's leading provider of integrated human capital solutions. Until December 2014, he served as Executive Vice-President at the Public Policy Forum, where he led the Forum’s work in innovation, public governance and the economy and contributed to thought leadership in public finance, human capital, and health and trade files.

Previously, he served in leadership capacities in a think tank, a major Canadian university and a national research organization. He has led major national initiatives, including the National Summit on Pension Reform, the National Dialogue on Higher Education and the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

He is very familiar in the media space, being a regular commentator, an invited speaker to conferences in Canada and around the world, and has appeared before parliamentary and other national committees on matters related to economic and social policy.

Internationally, he has been engaged on issues related to democratic development in Asia and the Middle East, and on innovation and higher education policy in the US and Europe. He has contributed, in a volunteer capacity, to many national organizations with a particular emphasis on youth and STEM.

Paul will draw on his leadership background and understanding of public administration and its practice to help contribute to the well-being of Veterans and their families as well as to national affairs and VAC’s internal functions.

He is only the second P.E.I. resident to permanently hold the position.

Paul Ledwell’s experience:

  • 2001-2006: Executive director, Canadian Federation for Humanities and Social Sciences
  • 2006-2007: Director, government relations and communications, University of Ottawa
  • 2007-2009: President, Institute on Governance
  • 2009-2014: Executive vice-president, Public Policy Forum
  • 2015: Vice-president, government clients, Morneau Shepell
  • 2015-2021: Deputy Minister, Policy and Priorities, Government of P.E.I.
  • 2016 -2021: Clerk of Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet, Government of P.E.I.

Hello to all of Joe’s fellow Peacekeepers and friends in the CAVUNP,

I regret to inform you that my husband, Joe Drouin, suddenly passed away at 10:30 p.m. on the 12thof May, in the Buckingham, Quebec Hospital.  The cause was a brain bleed/aneurysm.  Within 2 hours of getting him to a hospital he was in a coma from which he never woke and within a total of 18 hours he had passed.  Despite COVID I was granted permission to be with him at the hospital until the very end.  The first responders, the ambulance paramedics and the staff at the Buckingham Hospital were wonderful.

Back in 2005, Joe and I bought a plot in the military section of Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa, so first thing yesterday morning I called them and by noon the staff at Beechwood were already on their way to retrieve Joe so that he would not be staying at the hospital.  Within the coming days Joe will be cremated and his urn will be held by Beechwood for up to one year.  Due to COVID I will wait for things to settle before planning a memorial service as Joe’s family, from Quebec, and Joe’s son Luc, from Alberta, would not be permitted to attend at this time nor any of the many people in the CF community who knew him.   Again, depending on COVID restrictions, I hope that I will permitted to have a memorial service prior to the 11th November.

I am presently working on an obituary but require some details from Joe’s family to make sure that they are included.  Beechwood will also post a memorial page for Joe when I have completed the obituary.  The staff at Beechwood have been wonderful and supportive and I am comforted by their knowledge and experience with military functions.  I have been asked for photos.  Joe wasn’t one for photos but I do have the attached.  

1958, started the CF as an apprentice green monster with the RCASC

1974, Cyprus during the invasion, AB Regt.

1978, Freefall course.  I believe he said he was the last one to leave the ramp

2009, Peacekeeper Day, presentation of CPSM to the parents of Claude Berger, Joe front row, UN beret talking to the lady in the flowered red jacket.

2017, Beechwood Cemetery, reading the Act of Remembrance in French (photo courtesy of the kind people at Beechwood)

2018, Trenton Ontario, Cadet basic para parade (photo taken by Joe’s Australian friend Vern)

2021, First beautiful April 7th spring day at the cottage.

Joe’s participation with the Airborne, CAVUNP, RCASC, NATO, the three cadet Leagues and many others was important to him as well as our company Joe Drouin Enterprises Ltd.  Thank you to everyone for the friendship, kindness and respect that you have given Joe over the years.  

Marlene Schmidle


A “Friday” announcement that is not great news for veterans. General [ret] Walt Natynczyk has been in the DM position for six years  and he has made a very positive difference. He will be missed.

To all Veterans, Families, Associations and Stakeholders,

Today, Government announced that my tour of duty as the Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada is coming to a close. My last day with the Department will be 24 May, when I will hang-up my spurs…again! 

Over these past six and a half years, it has been a privilege to continue to serve those who served our nation.  It was humbling to honour our fallen comrades and I was proud to make every effort to assist those in need. 

All of us who wore the uniform of the CAF and RCMP made a choice to sign-up and each of us had a unique experience in uniform.  There were good times and there were tough times.  Tragically, some of our comrades in arms made the ultimate sacrifice for Canada.  Some amongst us were wounded, some became ill or injured. 

For some folks, the support from Veterans Affairs made a positive difference on the road to recovery and well-being.  In other cases, the great staff at VAC will continue to provide support that reflects Care, Compassion and Respect.  Our VAC employees are dedicated to their mission to support all of our Veterans and their families.  Almost all have a link to a Veteran in their personal life and many are Veterans themselves.  While they have a huge amount of empathy, some need to use all the tools at their disposal to gently nudge us on the road to wellness.

Thank you for your service in the Veterans’ community, for your enduring leadership, generosity and support to those in need.  I have appreciated your insights, your determination to make a difference and your understanding.  A small request: just as we learned on Basic Training, please continue to work together as a tight-knit team towards a common good for our Veterans.

It’s been great to serve with you again! May you be blessed with health and safety.


Walt Natynczyk

Condolences for Joe Drouin

A great supporter and friend of NVOC passed away in hospital last night. Joe Drouin was a Royal Canadian Service Corps soldier apprentice and had a long career as a soldier. He built a very successful “Kit Shop” industry and gave our members great value for medal mountings; NVOC “coins” and badges. A nice collection of interesting gear.

On behalf of all NVOC members I extend our sincere condolences to Marlene and Joe’s family.

Randy Stowell, CD

National President

NATO Veterans Organization of Canada

Stay up to date on events, news and happenings with the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada.



Let's Talk Veterans

Dear Colleagues,

Veterans Affairs Canada will soon be sharing a draft 10-year strategic plan for commemoration that focuses on the future of our remembrance and recognition programing. The following CAF Around the World video explains the proposed way forward---sharing the stories of those who served since the end of the Korean War to mark the more recent international security, peacekeeping and humanitarian missions:

In the coming weeks, we’ll be consulting with Veterans and members of the public on this new strategy to gain input on how we all can best recognize and commemorate Canada’s military, peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. Veterans, CAF members, RCMP Veterans and their family members can register in advance and stay informed of the launch date for these consultations. Those who are interested can sign up at to ensure they don’t miss out. 

We want to engage:

 Canadian Armed Forces members

  • Veterans
  • RCMP Veterans who served in international policing
  • Families of those who served
  • Stakeholders
  • Indigenous people
  • Other Canadians, including youth and newcomers

As we expand the focus of our commemorative programming we want to consider initiating new types of activities or events.

Your opinion matters in how we adapt to Canada’s ever-changing landscape, and how we reach our diverse population of Veterans, former RCMP members and their families.

Veterans Affairs Canada

Sign up at


Petition to the Government of Canada 

The Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM)

Dear Comrades and all fellow Canadians, the Medal Petition for an " inclusive" medal for has been
approved and is available on-line for signatures. See link  below.

A. [ only 1 signature per email address. (Their Rules).]  . . .but;
B. [Any Canadian of any age can sign. (Also Their Rules).] From 9 to 109 any Canadian with their own
personal email address can sign.

1. Pease click on the link to open and read about the Petition.
2. Scroll down to where it says sign the petition. You will see the Sponsor, M.P. Chandra Arya.
3. Click on sign the petition.
Complete all items with a red star including in clicking in the two boxes after your information.
4. Type in the letters/numbers as shown and then click on sign.
5. IMPORTANT: You will get an email asking you to confirm; Click on the link in the email to
complete the signing process.

Please share this email with all your family, friends, fellow Canadian Citizens
and of course our Comrades-in-Arms.

Be well stay safe Godspeed and God Bless
Comrade Dave W. Palmer, CD

Virtual Veterans panel 

How should Canada commemorate our post-Korean War military efforts? 

Canada’s impressive service in the First and Second World Wars shaped our country in many ways. However, the conclusion of these conflicts was definitely not the end of Canadian service members’ achievements and sacrifices at home and around the world.

These military efforts in more recent decades have been different than those that defined the first half of the 20th century. But how should this wide array of often lesser-known duties best be recognized and commemorated?

Join us for an approximately one-hour exploration of this subject at 1:00 pm ET on 19 March 2021. Our virtual panel will feature three Canadian Armed Forces Veterans sharing their personal reflections: Lieutenant-General (ret’d) Lloyd Campbell, Lieutenant-Colonel (ret’d) Chris Hutt and Sergeant (ret’d) Geneviève Gauthier.

Don’t miss out – sign up by March 15 to take part. Simply reply to this message [email address] to register. Please indicate in your response whether you wish to watch in English or French. As well, please include any questions you’d like the panelists to answer and we will do our best to incorporate them into the session.

If you are not able to watch this event live, it will also be available for subsequent viewing to fit your own schedule. Please share this message with your network or anyone you think would appreciate the opportunity to watch this interesting discussion.

Thank you,

Veterans Affairs Canada

Some of the lesser known rules of aviation and war!



Let’s Talk Veterans 

This is a new initiative by VAC to connect with more Veterans in an effective way. Important information for our members.

Let’s Talk Veterans

We Asked, You Said, We Did.

We believe those we serve need to be at the heart of every decision we make. In support of this commitment to Veterans, retired RCMP members, and the families who care and support them, Veterans Affairs Canada is launchingLet’s Talk VeteransLet's Talk Veterans )on 15 December 2020. This new online stakeholder engagement platform will help us consult on topics relevant to the Veteran community and allow for broad and diverse stakeholder participation from across Canada.

Our goal is to give those who are passionate about Veterans’ issues the power to influence our policy and improve upon the programs we offer. By increasing our capacity to seek guidance from Veterans and active members of the service community, their representatives, families, and Canadians everywhere, we can focus our research and improve how we design and deliver programs to meet the modern and changing needs of those we serve.

We are planning two consultations in early 2021 to officially launchLet’s Talk Veterans.  These consultations will explore the future of Commemoration activities as well as,  focus on elements of the disability application to reduce wait times.

After each consultation, a final report or summary will be posted toLet’s Talk Veterans, clearly showing the feedback that we have received. A section for each consultation will display three categories -  “We Asked”, “You Said”, and “We Did” - which outlines the outcomes of the consultation and how we responded.

If you want to support Veterans and their families please visitLet’s Talk Veteransand sign up to register. The registration process takes less than 60 seconds and only needs to be done one time. Once you are registered, you will be automatically notified each time we launch a new consultation and may also choose to receive future editions of this newsletter by email.

New NATO report recommends more political role for the Western alliance

By Alexandra Brzozowski |  Dec 1, 2020

After French President Emmanuel Macron said NATO was suffering “brain death” last year, a report to be published on Tuesday (1 December) on reforming the alliance proposes solutions on how to stay relevant in face of new challenges from Russia and China.

The report “NATO 2030 – United for a New Era”, prepared by a group of so-called ‘wise persons’ since the beginning of this year, contains 138 reform proposals on some 60 pages.

It comes amid growing doubts about the purpose and relevance of the alliance and is to argue NATO alliance should seek a more political role as the linchpin of the West.

According to NATO diplomats, the contents of the report are a ‘riposte’ to Macron’s allegations and a response to ‘legitimate criticism’ over the alliance’s slow adaptation to the future.

NATO 2030 – United for a New Era

This document is the final report of the Reflection Group to the Secretary General. The first part summarises the report, outlines the Group’s vision for NATO in 2030, and provides a condensed version of the Group’s main findings. The second part assesses the main trends that will shape NATO’s environment between now and 2030. The third part provides a more detailed discussion of the recommendations, organised thematically according to each of the three objectives given to the Group by the Secretary General. The analysis and recommendations offered herein are intended to inform the Secretary General’s deliberations in the lead-up to the meeting of NATO Leaders in 2021, when he will conclude the Reflection Process by offering recommendations for strengthening NATO’s political dimension to Allied Heads of State and Governments.

NATO enters the eighth decade of its existence with both a longer record of success and a wider assort-ment of looming challenges than its founders could have foreseen when they signed the Washington Treaty in April 1949. In the thirty years since the collapse of the Soviet threat that called NATO into existence, the Western Alliance has defied innumerable predic-tions of its imminent demise. It ended two wars and ethnic cleansing in the Western Balkans, extended the hand of partnership to Russia and other former adversaries, stepped up to the threat of terrorism directed against NATO territory, engaged abroad including in Afghanistan, and responded with clarity, unity, and resolve to the threat posed by Russian aggression in the Euro-Atlantic region. Today, NATO stands as history’s most successful alliance, encompassing nearly a billion people and half of global GDP across a space that stretches from the Pacific coast of North America to the Black Sea.

The forgotten fighter plane which won the Battle of Britain

Posted 1 Dec 2020

Rapid Housing Initiative 

Recently, the Government of Canada launched the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI) through the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The program includes $1 billion to address urgent housing needs of vulnerable Canadians through the rapid construction of affordable housing.  The CMHC is accepting applications for capital funding related to the construction of modular housing, the acquisition of land, and/or the rehabilitation of affordable housing units until December 31, 2020.  Provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous governing bodies and organizations, as well as non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for funding. 

Check out the Rapid Housing Initiative website to learn more. 


Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach Team

Veterans Affairs Canada

Cold War Veterans Lapel Pins


Canada names new veterans watchdog

Nishika Jardine, a retired colonel, named as Canada's new Veterans Ombudsman on Remembrance Day

Canada's new top veterans advocate is a woman.

Nishika Jardine, a retired colonel who spent 37 years in the military, was quietly named to the post of Veterans Ombudsman Wednesday by the Liberal government.

She replaces Craig Dalton, who abruptly resigned the position, earlier this year.

Veterans Minister Lawrence MacAulay made the announcement in a written statement following the conclusion of Remembrance Day commemoration events.

He said the "core responsibility of the Veterans Ombudsperson is to review complaints and issues related to programs and services delivered by Veterans Affairs Canada and to uphold the Veterans Bill of Rights."

Jardine, whose background was with the Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (RCEME), will have her work cut out for her.

Posted 12 Nov 2020

Province of Ontario and the City of Kingston partner to build ‘village’ of tiny homes for Canadian veterans

The Ontario government is providing $200,000 and support for the transfer of an acre of local land to help create up to 25 tiny homes for military veterans experiencing homelessness.

Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries stopped in Kingston to make the announcement on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020.

“Our Veterans, who stepped up to serve our country deserve a place to call home,” Clark said. “These men and women were there when we needed them, and now it’s our turn to provide the support they deserve. Through this innovative housing solution our government is helping to improve the quality of life of some of Canada’s military heroes.”

 Tiny homes are small, private, self-contained residential units built for year-round use. The veterans’ village will be constructed from prefabricated modular housing. Each tiny home will provide transitional housing for one veteran in a private unit that includes a kitchen, living room, bathroom and sleeping area.

Posted Nov 11 2020

Veterans’ Week 2020 


  • Dear Colleagues,

    As you know, Veterans’ Week (November 5 to 11) is a time for Canadians to honour those who have served our country, past and present, in times of war, military conflict and peace.

    The theme of this year’s Veterans’ Week is the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, in which more than one million Canadians and Newfoundlanders served, and over 45,000 died. This milestone also allows us to reflect on the courage and valour of the members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who continue to follow in their footsteps.

    This year marks an unprecedented time in history. As we continue to follow COVID-19 guidelines, Veterans Affairs Canada is taking a digital-first approach in commemorating Veterans’ Week, and has developed numerous ways Canadians can commemorate and remember.

    Every day, your organization’s commitment and dedication continue to make a difference in the lives of Veterans and their families. Please continue to share the powerful message of remembrance within your organization and your networks.

    Here are various ways you can show that #CanadaRemembers:

  • 1.      Wear a poppy with pride;
  • 2.      Join the conversation on social media! You can share what remembrance means to you, and include the Veterans’ Week hashtag #CanadaRemembers;
  • 3.      Tune-in to the Faces of Freedom podcast which tells the stories of those who have served in a variety of battles during the Second World War, or share reflections on them;
  • 4.      You can also explore stories of those who served and sacrificed for our country by reading Faces of Freedom profiles;
  • 5.      Check out our collection of Veterans’ Week learning resources for youth of all ages and share them with your children and any teachers you know;
  • 6.      Explore our Home Learning Corner, where you and your children can learn more about the brave Canadians who served during the Second World War; and
  • 7.      Learn more about those who have served our country through Heroes Remember videos of Veterans sharing their experiences.

We encourage you to visit the Veterans’ Week 2020 web feature to learn about other ways to get involved with remembrance.

Together, let’s show that #CanadaRemembers, and inspire our colleagues, friends and families to do the same.

Lest we forget.


Paul Thomson                                                             Faith McIntyre

Director General, Commemoration                            Director General, Communications

Veterans Affairs Canada                                             Veterans Affairs Canada


Upcoming virtual historians panel on the future of commemoration in Canada 


Veterans’ Week is fast approaching. If you are looking for an interesting learning opportunity during this special time, tune in to Veterans Affairs Canada’s virtual historians panel on the future of commemoration in our country.

As we look back on the successful commemorations of the 100th and 75th anniversaries of the First and Second World Wars in recent years, we also have an opportunity to look ahead and explore what remembrance in Canada could look like in the years to come. Since the end of the Second World War, Canada’s military has actively supported many international peace and security efforts in different regions around the globe.

Featuring Dr. Tim Cook, Dr. Mélanie Morin-Pelletier and Dr. Andrew Burtch from the Canadian War Museum, this approximately one-hour session will be held live on November 9 beginning at 12:30 pm (EST). It will be available for subsequent viewing to fit your schedule, as well.

Viewers will also have the opportunity to pre-submit their own questions for the panelists to answer. Don’t miss out – sign up by November 4 to take part. Simply email Veterans Affairs Canada at the following address to register (please indicate whether you wish to watch in English or French):  

Please share this message with your network or anyone who you think would enjoy the opportunity to watch this very timely discussion.

Thank you,

Veterans Affairs Canada

Posted 30 Oct 2020

Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach is pleased to share with you information on three initiatives underway.

Veterans Week

This year’s Veteran’s Week will look a bit different due to the ongoing worldwide pandemic. However, we will pay tribute to the more than one million Canadians and Newfoundlanders that served during the Second World War, albeit differently. We recently launched a new series of our Faces of Freedom Podcast! Two great stories from Second World War battles will drop every week up to Veterans Week. Make sure to subscribe and share widely!

Further information on Veterans Week will follow.

Virtual Panel - The Power of the Media: Impact on Veteran Stories

On behalf of the Centre of Excellence on Post –Traumatic Stress Disorder and Related Mental Health Conditions we are pleased to share with you information on their virtual panel happening November 4 at 13:00 EST “The Power of the Media: Impact on Veteran Stories”. Additional information and registration is available here.

Focus Group Testing – Participants Needed

Veterans Affairs Canada is developing new print and online materials to help keep Veterans and their families informed about the Department’s new mental health services and benefits. As these products are being developed, we would like to ask for your assistance in engaging members of your organization or network to share their opinions at upcoming focus groups, to be held online beginning in late‑October 2020.

These focus groups will include up to 7 participants, mainly Canadian Veterans, but also family members (spouses, children over 18) and caregivers. Participation in the focus groups is confidential and no personal details will be retained or shared.

Environics Research is hosting the focus groups on behalf of VAC. Each session will be up to 90 minutes. An honorarium of $100 is paid to those who participate.

 Interested participants can e-mail Anastasia Arabia of Trend Research (Environics’ partner), who will contact them directly to see if they qualify for any of the sessions. Please note that replies to this email will not be considered for participation.

The results of these focus groups will become part of a public opinion research report that will be posted to the Library and Archives Canada website within six months following the end of the focus group sessions.

Your assistance in gathering this valuable feedback is much appreciated.


Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach Team

Veterans Affairs Canada

CARR, William Keir "Bill"
Lieutenant General Carr, RCAF, Rtd, CMM, DFC, OStJ, CD

First Commander of Air Command, "Father of the Modern Canadian Air Force."
Order of Military Merit. Commander of Military Merit.
Member of Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame.
Executive Vice President Foreign & Military Sales Canadair Bombardier.
National Commissioner of Boy Scouts of Canada.

Ottawa, Ontario, Wednesday, October 14, 2020, the family is saddened to announce the passing of Lieutenant-General William Keir Carr the morning of October 14, 2020 at the Civic Hospital. William Keir Carr was born on St. Patrick's Day, 1923 at Grand Bank, Newfoundland, son of Percy L. Carr and Eleanor H. (Harris) Carr. He attended Mount Allison University, New Brunswick receiving a BA degree. Carr joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1941. He graduated, as a pilot, from Flying Training School at Ottawa (Uplands) July 31, 1942. After arriving overseas, he piloted Spitfires with 541 Squadron Royal Air Force. Then in Italy and Malta he flew Spitfires with 683 Squadron RAF carrying out 143 risky and death-defying missions, many involved photographic reconnaissance of great accuracy and thereby contributed substantially to the success of the Allied 8th Army in Italy. On December 18, 1944, Carr was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC). His citation was for his outstanding skill and courage both as a pilot and as a flight commander. In 1948 he met Elaine Mulligan of Ottawa on a blind date, pronounced her a 'living doll" and promptly married her on December 22, 1948. Continuing to serve in the postwar RCAF, Carr was first attached to 413 Squadron Ottawa. Next he attended Rochester New York Institute of Technology where he received his MSc degree. In 1953, he graduated from the RCAF Staff College in Toronto with the rank of Wing Commander. Wing Commander Carr was a staff officer with the RCAF's Air Transport Command in the mid-1950s. He then commanded 412 VIP Squadron, which included the transportation of many dignitaries such as Princess Margaret and, Queen Elizabeth, plus piloting the aircraft for Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's 1958 around-the-world tour. Promoted to Group Captain, in 1960 Carr was deployed to the Congo where he commanded air units from more than a dozen nations in support of United Nations Peacekeeping operations. Upon his return to Canada, Group Captain Carr became commanding officer of RCAF Station Namao, just north of Edmonton. Later in the 1960s he held command and staff appointments with Mobile Command and Training Command. In 1970 Major General Carr was appointed NORAD Chief of Operations in Colorado Springs, USA and then in 1973, Chief of Air Operations for the Canadian Armed Forces. Lieutenant General Carr became Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff in 1974. He was responsible for centralizing all Canadian air power under a new Air Command in 1975. Appointed its first commander, Bill Carr became known as the "Father of the Modern Canadian Air Force." In June 1976 Carr was made a Commander of the Order of Military Merit (CMM) and in April 1977 was admitted to the Order of St. John (OStJ) with the rank of Officer and to the Companionate of Merit with the rank of Commander with the Military and Hospitalier Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. As National Commissioner of Boy Scouts of Canada from 1972 to 1977; at his suggestion, Queen Elizabeth attended the Arctic & Northern National Boy Scout Jamboree in Churchill, Manitoba. From 1977 until 1993, Carr was Executive Vice President, Foreign and Military Sales, Canadair Bombardier. He sold significant numbers of the Challenger jet worldwide. On occasion Elaine accompanied Bill; together enjoying the travel and playing golf. In 2001, General Carr was inducted into the Aviation Hall of Fame. "His achievements in both military and civil aviation, along with his proven leadership and organizational abilities, have been of outstanding benefit to Canada." In 2013 Bill Carr was honoured by Vintage Wings of Canada. Founded by Michael Potter; "To acquire, restore, maintain, and fly classic aircraft significant to the early history of powered flight; to inspire and educate future generations about the historical significance of our aviation heritage and their pilots as they dance with them in their natural element in the skies over Canada." In 2016 General Carr was conferred Honorary Doctor of Laws by Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland. Bill and Elaine remained devoted to each other until her death in 2008. They had three children; Virginia, David (deceased) and Peter. General Carr is survived by Virginia Baldwin and Peter Carr, his grandson, Zackary Carr, and one of five siblings, the Reverend Eleanor Moreithi. A Memorial Service will take place at Stittsville United Church, 6255 Fernbank Rd, Stittsville, on Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. To attend the Memorial Service you must RSVP at: . A Maximum of 40 people will be permitted to attend in person. Masks are mandatory and for safety, strict COVID precautions will be enforced. Live Stream and view the Memorial Service at 11:00 am Saturday, October 31, 2020 online at: A Graveside Committal will follow at Pinecrest Cemetery, 2500 Baseline Road, Ottawa. If you wish to attend the Graveside Committal, you must RSVP here: A Maximum of 25 people will be permitted to attend the Graveside Benediction in person. Live Stream and view the Graveside Service following the Memorial Service online at: In lieu of flowers, donations are appreciated to: Royal Canadian Air Force Association Trust Fund,
The Royal Canadian Legion, Vintage Wings of Canada Foundation, Itur Ad Astra Per Ardua Ad Astra

Media Report 23 Oct 2020.pdf

Includes a Fall Message from Randy Stowell our NVOC National President

NVOC “Kit Shop”

Members should be aware that for almost a decade our NVOC members have been supported by “Drouin Enterprises” with quality service and products – everything from Court Mounting of medals to casual wear, crest and neck ties etc.  all with the NVOC logo. Quality products at a fair price. A percentage of sales is returned to the Treasurer each year. Joe Drouin Enterprises Ltd has been sold and transferred to the new owner, Mr. Denis Ringuette effective November 1, 2019.  He is replacing Joe Drouin and Marlene Schmidle who are retiring after more than 27 years as the principle founders and owners of Joe Drouin Enterprises Ltd. As new owner Mr. Ringuette, will become the new President and Manager of the new company Les Entreprises Denis Ringuette Inc.  Mr. Ringuette, has been with the company almost two years and has numerous years of extensive experience providing first rate purchase and delivery across a wide variety of the largest public and private corporations.  All the present staff will remain with the new company at the same location with the same phone and e-mail contact information.  Joe and Marlene will always be available to help, in an advisory role, to ensure the smoothest transfer possible. 

 8th Oct 2020

Check their website and see if there is a Golf shirt or something with the NVOC logo that appeals to you!

Col (Retired) Jarrott W. Holtzhauer, CD

AUGUST 31, 1935

SEPTEMBER 12, 2020

Jarrott Holtzhauer


 Get directions

Cumberland Community Resource Centre

"I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race.  I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7

Struck off Strength:  Colonel (Ret’d) Jarrott (Jerry)W. Holtzhauer, CD died on September 12, 2020 under the loving care of Chapel Hill Retirement Residence after many medical complications borne as usual with a sense of humour and without complaint.

Jarrott’s life was one of service to his country and commitment to his family.  He was the deeply loved and always loving husband for 60 years of Judith Ann Neale.  He was the very proud father of his wonderful children, Katie (Larry) and Christopher (Suanne), the joyful Poppa of his amazing grandchildren Laurel and Thomas (Kajtya), Liam and Jake and his treasured great- grandsons Tobias and Trevor.

Born in Galt, Ontario, August 31, 1935, into a military family to MW01 Wilbert Holtzhauer and Gertrude Holtzhauer, he was the eldest of four boys, always devoted to his late parents and his brothers, Rayburn (Trudy), the late Harvey and the late Dwight.

After growing up in Camp Borden, he went on to graduate from Royal Roads Military College (Victoria) and Royal Military College (Kingston) where he made connections and friendships that sustained him his whole life.

His 35 year career as a Service Corps and Logistics Officer offered opportunities to explore and serve Canada, especially in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, to participate in a UN tour in India/Pakistan and with NATO in Germany as the Commanding Officer of 4 Service Battalion (Lahr).

After his retirement from the Canadian Armed Forces, Jarrott continued to serve within the Public Service.  His second retirement left him free to continue volunteering for many military organizations he loved; CAVUNP, NATO Vets, and the RMC Club.  His proudest accomplishment was his involvement in the development of the new Canadian War Museum, the “Passing of the Torch" campaign and his opportunity to serve as the President of the Friends of the War Museum for 12 years.

Always an athlete, he loved biking in summer and skiing in winter but golf was his passion and curling his joy.  He loved his companions on the course and the rink and having the winning hand with his Tuesday night poker group.

His commitment to service extended to the community. He was a dedicated volunteer for many years for the Orleans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre.

He was honoured to receive the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation and the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers.

Always kind and thoughtful and a true gentleman, Jarrott felt blessed to have wonderful friends, to be able to travel widely and to live each moment well.  A good party, a fine meal and a great scotch made any day perfect.

A heartfelt thank you from his family to each of you who enriched his life in so many ways.  He valued you all.

A Graveside Service of Thanksgiving with Military Honours will be held in the National Military Cemetery located at Beechwood Cemetery in October.  When Covid-19 restrictions have lifted we will celebrate with a grand happy hour, the party he always wanted.

Donations in Jarrott’s memory may be made to the “Friends of the Canadian War Museum" or the Orleans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre, both organizations dear to his heart.

Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendations Awarded to two NVOC National Board of Directors members

am pleased to inform you all that our National President Randy Stowell of NATO Veterans Organization of Canada and Ted Bransfield NATO Veterans Organization of Canada, Vice President and Director of Advocacy.  has been awarded the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation for there service with the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada and The Royal Canadian Legion. in recognition of there contributions to there community service. Administered by the Office of  Minister of Veterans Affairs, this commendation  is part of the Canadian Honors System and celebrates exceptional volunteer achievements in a wide range of fields

A short paragraph, that we call a citation, reflects the reasons for there Commendation award.



Stowell, Randall Cornelius CD, LCol(retired), Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery

Randal Cornelius Stowell is a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces with 36 years of service. He is nominated for the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation for his service with the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada and The Royal Canadian Legion.

Mr. Stowell has sat on the National Board of Directors for the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada since 2015 and is presently serving as President. In this role, he meets with senior Veterans Affairs Canada officials and rallies parliamentarians to advocate on behalf of Veterans and their families. He also attends commemorative and memorial events as a representative of the organization. 

Mr. Stowell has also been a member of The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 245, Merrickville since 2009. From 2010-2017, he sat on the Executive, including service for four terms as Branch President, Chair of the Sports Committee, Branch Poppy Chair, Chair of the Poppy Committee, and as Master of Ceremonies for the annual Remembrance Day ceremonies. As President, he has shown great judgement and leadership in overseeing the entirety of the branch activities.

As a result of his efforts, the branch successfully obtained two federal grants to upgrade accessibility. This resulted in the installation of an elevator and wheelchair lift in the building. He has also spent countless hours performing day-to-day maintenance at the branch and was the “Chief Cook” for four years for monthly dinners.

He continues to perform speaking engagements and monthly visits to hospitalized Veterans.

Stowell, Randall Cornelius CD, LCol(retired), Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery

President NVOC


 Bransfield, Theodore Steven, Chief Warrant Officer (Retired), CD,Combat Engineer

 Chief Warrant Officer (Retired) Theodore (Ted) Bransfield was nominated for the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation for his dedicated service to Veterans as part of The Royal Canadian Legion, the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada, and the Veterans Liaison Committee at the Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre. He is also a Veteran, having retired from the Canadian Armed Forces with over 35 years of service as a Combat Field Engineer. 

 In 2014, Mr. Bransfield was elected to the Executive Board as Service Officer at The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 593, Bells Corners and continues to serve in that role. As Service Officer, he helps Veterans communicate with Veterans Affairs Canada, guides them though the benefits application processes, and helps Veterans in the community acquire mobility devices. To date, he has helped more than 300 Veterans submit their claims to Veterans Affairs Canada with a great rate of success.

 On top of his duties as Service Officer, he has also been a member the Poppy Committee since 2014. He helps with the setup and operations of social events at the Legion, and sits of other Legion committees, including the Honours and Awards and the Seniors Visitations Committees.

 Since 2015, he has also been on the Veterans Liaison Committee at the Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre. As part of this committee, he has continuously advocated for the needs of Veterans living in the facility.

 Mr. Bransfield joined the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada in 2015 and now sits on the Board of Directors as Vice President and Director of Advocacy. In this role, he has worked tirelessly to advocate for long-term care beds and facilities for elderly Veterans. He is also a member of the Recruitment and Membership Committee.

Posted 25 Aug 2020

Battle of Britain Ceremony 2020

Download the poster (JPG, 3,025 kb)

Download the poster (JPG, 3,025 kb).

80th Anniversary

Sunday, September 20, 2020
10:30 A.M. EDT                                     

Fly-past of Second World War aircraft, weather permitting.                 

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) invites you to watch this year’s wreath laying and small ceremony, hosted at the Beechwood National Military Cemetery, on the RCAF Facebook page  

  • #BattleofBritain80
  • #RCAFHistory

Photo credit: NAFMC / MNAFC

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History and Heritage

Update: Funding for Departmental Wait Time Plan

and COVID-19 Update for Veterans

DATED 14 July 2020

Dear Stakeholders and Advisory Group members,

As a follow-up from our recent update when we shared the Department’s plan to address wait times, we are providing you with additional information regarding the injection of new funds for Veterans Affairs Canada included in Economic And Fiscal Snapshot 2020 presented by Finance Minister Bill Morneau on July 8th. As part of the fiscal update, Veterans Affairs Canada will receive $96 million in 2020-21 and $96 million in 2021-22, for a total of $192 million over two years towards reducing the Veteran Disability Benefit backlog. More specifically, this funding will extend case management and disability adjudication resources provided in Budget 2018 to keep pace with incoming applications, innovate adjudication processes, and hire new teams dedicated to reducing the backlog.

For more information on the fiscal update please visit: Economic and Fiscal Snapshot 2020 and the details of VAC’s plan is  Timely Disability Benefit Decisions: Strategic Direction for Improving Wait Times.

Additionally, as we enter month four of operating in a pandemic environment with nearly 3,000 VAC employees empowered to perform their duties virtually, we wanted to share this infographic that we recently published outlining key COVID-19 information and assistance for Veterans and their families. We continue to work remotely to make as many decisions as possible on treatment and benefits while quickly issuing payments to Veterans.

Your support in helping us inform the Veterans community and your advocacy on their part is much appreciated.



Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach Team

Veterans Affairs Canada

 Veterans Affairs plan to address wait times 

NVOC Friends – the DM VAC held a monthly ZOOM video conference on Friday 26 June. There have been several new advocate additions to this event. The DM typically gives us all an overview and we are given an opportunity to ask questions make comment. Of the 3700 VAC staff they have about 98% working offsite and will gradually return to Buildings/Office spaces. They continue to get about 10,000 “In Box” telephone/emails/letters each week and are responding. The main issue from advocates is the rate of disability claims being processed and the time it takes. The back logs and the turnaround times are taking far too long and this is an opportunity to fast track “protocols” – simplify and reform?

Understandably, the Department is working differently – with a huge focus on staff health and safety. They continue to provide service to veterans [and their families. NOTE the family is now included in briefings to us as a normal concept. This was not always the case!]. Ted Bransfield has included the Veterans Emergency Fund in his weekly Friday reports. The fund had high demands in April – mostly food related. The demand is back to “normal”.The Legion has made requests for financial help – I have sent you the Legion letter to the PM and there will be Legion Branches that will not survive past August. They are talking several hundred Branches – out of some 1380 Branches that functioned prior to the virus.

The big news is that Treasury Board has approved [not yet released] $79 million for an additional 300 staff to fill out the teams doing the disability claim adjudication/processing. Staff take time to hire and to train.[It takes five years to get a staff member with five years experience!!! That is not always understood].

The email from the Minister gives considerable information. The Ministers Advisory Groups were briefed on this today. Well worth a read.



From: Engagement (VAC/ACC)

Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 4:10 PM

To: Engagement (VAC/ACC)

Subject: Link to Departmental plan to address wait times / Lien vers le plan ministériel visant à réguler les temps d’attente


  • Dear Stakeholders and Advisory Group members,


    As you have heard me say before, tackling the backlog is my top priority. With that in mind, I am pleased to share with you the Department’s plan to address wait times: Timely Disability Benefit Decisions: Strategic Direction for Improving Wait Times. This plan focuses on the tactics and initiatives in progress to improve wait times for Veterans applying for Disability Benefits.


    I wanted to share this response directly with you, our stakeholders and advisory group members, so you can see exactly how we plan to address this issue, including the concrete steps we will be taking in the coming months.


    There is no one single initiative that will reduce wait times. This is why our plan includes hiring, digital solutions, innovation, all in an integrated approach. In the plan you will see details on initiatives like our Veterans Benefit Teams—integrated teams that will serve as one-stop-shops for all applications, reducing the potential wait time at each step of the process. 

  • We encourage you to read the full plan and share it on your social media channels.
  • Your support in helping us inform the Veterans community and your advocacy on their part is much appreciated.





Lawrence MacAulay

Minister of Veterans Affairs and

Associate Minister of National Defence

An article for the Comox Valley Record about NVOC and how we

assist Veterans on a National Level

Comox Valley Record.pdf

14 June 2020

A Tribute to Col Jarrott W. Holtzhauer 

at Chapel Hill Retirement Residence on Wednesday 13th May 2020.

Ministers MacAulay and Sajjan mark 75 th  anniversary of Victory in Europe Day 

From : Veterans Affairs Canada


Ottawa, Ontario - 08 May 2020, the Honorable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defense, and the Honorable Harjit Sajjan, Minister of National Defense, issued the following statement on the occasion of 75 th  anniversary of Victory in Europe Day:

“Victory in Europe Day - May 8, 1945 - marked the official end of the Second World War in Europe. Crowds celebrated this victory in Canada, Europe and allied countries around the world.

Over one million Canadians and Newfoundlanders served in the Canadian Army, the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force during the conflict. Over 45,000 lost their lives, 55,000 were injured, and thousands returned home with persistent mental injuries. Twelve thousand others went to sea with the merchant navy. Millions more supported the war effort on the home front.

We remember Major-General George Kitching, one of the youngest generals in the Allied armies of the Second World War. He helped organize the German arms depot in the Netherlands. Major-General Kitching was also present at the surrender ceremony in the Dutch town of Wageningen in May 1945.

We pay tribute to Annie (Goode) McNamara, who served in the Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Corps as a performer in a traveling military variety show. M me  McNamara has witnessed the horrors of war: often, the artists also visited the wounded, including children, in hospitals in England, and she went to the Nazi concentration camp Bergen-Belsen.

We pay tribute to Chief Petty Officer 1 st  Class George Edward (Ted) Jamieson of the Upper Cayuga Six Nations, who was a member of the sea cadets in his early teens and who, a few years later, became bugle from the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve. During the Second World War, he served as a 2 nd Seaman  on the East Coast naval bases HMCS Stadacona and HMCS Cornwallis . He also served at sea aboard the minesweeper HMCS Drummondville during the Battle of the Atlantic.

Today, we express the gratitude of a nation to all Canadians who have served in the defense of peace and freedom. In this unprecedented period, as we reflect on this milestone anniversary, let us take the time to honor their contribution, their achievements and their sacrifice.

See Link below for PSHCP Rate Changes 

PSHCP Rate Changes.jpg

Redesigning our website with you in mind 

Site Web remanié en fonction de vos besoins

(Le français suit)

Dear Stakeholders and Advisory Group members,

Following the successful redesign of the services content on our website,, I am pleased to inform you that we have done the same for our commemorative content.

The redesigned website follows a human-centered design approach built from user-testing, research, and analysis. It provides Veterans, their families and the general public with clear, user-friendly access to our content.

There are a couple of key differences about the redesigned website. The first is the language we use. Information is now easier to read and understand for users of all ages. We have also changed the format and layout to reflect the Department’s new look and feel. This means it’s more visually appealing with consistent flow from one page to the next and has a stronger focus on what the user is looking for. One of the key things we heard during testing is that visitors wanted to read more about those who served. We will make sure these stories are told.

I encourage you to explore the new website and to promote and share it within your organization and/or networks. Check out the Department’s social media channels for more information and posts to share.


The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay

Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence



Cher(e)s intervenant(e)s et membres des groupes consultatif,

Après le remaniement réussi du contenu de la section sur les services de notre site Web,, je suis heureux de vous annoncer que nous avons également remanié le contenu de notre section sur la commémoration.

Notre site Web a été remanié en suivant une approche de conception centrée sur l’humain et fondée sur des essais auprès des utilisateurs, des recherches et des analyses, de manière à offrir aux vétérans, à leur famille et au grand public un accès clair et convivial à notre contenu.

Il y a quelques différences importantes entre l’ancien site Web et le site remanié. La première différence touche le langage que nous utilisons. L’information est maintenant plus facile à comprendre pour les utilisateurs de tous âges. De plus, le format et la disposition ont été modifiés afin de tenir compte de la nouvelle présentation du Ministère. Le passage d’une page à l’autre est donc plus facile et le contenu porte davantage sur l’information recherchée par l’utilisateur. L’un des principaux commentaires que nous avons reçus dans le cadre de nos essais auprès des utilisateurs est que ceux‑ci souhaitent en apprendre davantage sur les personnes qui ont servi. Nous nous sommes donc engagés à faire en sorte que leurs récits soient racontés.

Je vous invite à explorer le nouveau site Web et à le promouvoir au sein de votre organisation et de vos réseaux. Consultez les médias sociaux du Ministère pour obtenir d’autres renseignements et des publications à partager.



L’honorable Lawrence MacAulay

Ministre des Anciens Combattants et ministre associé de la Défense nationale

Research Participant Recruitment

Dr. Eric Li and his research team is currently conducting semi-directed interviews with survivors of Veterans to the financial well-being of survivors who married or entered into a common-law relationship with a Veteran who was aged over 60. These interviews are designed to address specific questions while allowing the participants to provide additional information and perspectives voluntarily. In this stage of the research study, we seek to explore the social condition of Veterans and survivors of Veterans from multiple viewpoints. This project is funded by the Canadian Institute for Military Veteran Health Research.

The research team appreciates your help to reach out to different Military Veteran groups/associations for recruiting participants. Please pass on the recruitment materials attached to this email to qualified individuals. By agreeing to pass on the recruitment materials to qualified individuals, you understand that you are not responsible for any further action. Please direct all questions or concerns to the researcher. Please do not send the individuals’ names to the research team directly in order to protect participants' privacy.

The qualified individuals must directly contact the UBC researcher to set up the interview. The UBC research team will coordinate the interview schedule. Since participants will be recruited across the country, the researcher will let the participants choose whether they would prefer an interview over the phone or a face-to-face interview.

Research Team


Principal Investigator: Dr. Eric Li, Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, UBC-Okanagan. Contact information: (+1) 250-807-8853 (office) and (email)


Co-Investigators: Dr. Keith Culver, Professor, Faculty of Management

Mr. Patrick Gall, Research Network Facilitator, UBC STAR Survive & Thrive Applied

Research, Ms. Dilsora Komil-Burley, Ph.D. Candidate, Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies

Ms. Ariele Parker, Masters Student, Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies, UBC-Okanagan


Further Questions

Dilsora Komil-Burley. Ph.D. candidate, UBC Okanagan


Tel: 250-899-6804

Alternatively, if you have any concerns or complaints about your rights as a research participant and/or your experiences while participating in this study, contact the Research Participation Complaint Line in the UBC Office of Research Services toll free at 1-877-822-8598 or the UBC Okanagan Research Services Office at 250-807-8832. It is also possible to contact the Research Complaint Line by email ( and reference the study number (H19-03955) when contacting the Complaint Line so the staff can better assist you.


Research Team

Media Report 6 March 2020

Media Report 6 March 2020.pdf

Media Report 28 Feb 2020

Media Report 28 Feb 2020.pdf


Proposal for Canadian Military Volunteer Service Medal, (CMVSM)


Veterans Deserve Govt Recognition (1) OP-ED by LGen (Ret'd) Louis W. F. Cuppens.pdf

Tiny homes in Calgary provide transition space for Veterans

Tiny Houses in Calgary.pdf

Media Report 21 Feb 2020

Media Report 21 Feb 2020.pdf

Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence Mandate Letter

Presidents Message

 There are several new concepts that should be highlighted.  

  • Build new, purpose-built accessible and affordable housing units, with a full range of health, social and employment supports for Veterans who need extra help. NVOC Presidents comment: this gives the Department opportunities to get into the “bricks and mortar” construction which has not been possible previously. Homeless veterans [ 3000 to 5000 estimated] need a place to live off the streets.;

  • Deliver a higher standard of service and care, and ensure that a “one Veteran, one standard” approach is upheld. NVOC Presidents comment: We have long advocated for the one veteran standard.

Mandate Letter Dec 2019.pdf

Media Report 14 Feb 2020

Media Report 14 Feb 20.pdf

Media Report 07 Feb 2020

Media Report 7 Feb 20.pdf

Media Report 31 Jan 2020

Media Report 31 Jan 2020.pdf

Media Report 24 January 2020

Media Report 24 January 2020.pdf

Media Report 17 Jan 2020

Media Report 17 Jan 2020.pdf

On Tuesday our national President Mr Randy StowelI and Ken Richardson our National Treasurer and met with Executives working the “Veterans House” project - Suzanne Le, executive director of Multifaith Housing Initiative, noted that veterans make up somewhere between 3,000 and 5,000 vets who have been reduced to living on the street after having given so much of themselves for their country. [The current edition of the Legion magazine describes this project] – and we presented a donation of $1500.00. The donation was approved at the November Board of Directors meeting. We met at the site – the old Rockliffe PMQ patch is long gone – lots of ongoing construction of upscale town homes. Andy Carswell was a WW II RCAF – Canso Pilot and POW. Canada's first residence for homeless vets in Ottawa named in honour of hero pilot. QUOTE “ Veterans' House: the Andy Carswell Building is Canada’s first community house built for homeless veterans. This pioneering project specifically targets the needs of the rising number of homeless veterans who are “living rough” in Ottawa and combines safe housing with essential on-site rehabilitation services. Our vision is to create a unique unit-style community where each of our 40 homeless or at risk veterans will have immediate access to support services from a variety of partner agencies. This supportive “Housing First” model will give our veterans on-site recovery from health, mental health and addiction-related issues. Not only does the supported housing model improve the overall quality of life but it does so in recognition of crucial and unbreakable experience of military bonds that exist for all in the military community from veterans to their families. The Multifaith Housing Initiative has other residential facilities in Ottawa – this Veterans House project is a special effort. They were particularly pleased with support from a Veterans Organization.

Media Report 10 Jan 2020

Media Report 10 Jan 2020.pdf

Media Report 3 Jan 2020

Media Report 3 Jan 2020.pdf

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