Nomination of representative for Vimy Pilgrimage
Comrades All, Veterans Affairs Canada has requested that our Association provide representation at the 100th Anniversary of Vimy Ridge Pilgrimage taking place April 5-12, 2017.
They are looking for the following criteria:
· Veteran of the 2nd World War or Korean War
· Has some connection to the Battle of Vimy Ridge or the 1st World War (family relations that served or died in battle)
· Is comfortable sharing his/her Military experiences, and making informal presentations about his/her experiences to members of the delegation and the public
· Is physically capable of making the trip, in good health and has a doctors approval for extended travel (*Please note that the Veteran will be asked to bring a caregiver who will share their room and assist them with daily living requirements)
If your Unit has any members that fit the criteria and are interested in going please send me their service and contact information prior to January 11th, 2017
As it is more and more difficult to find Veterans of this age group that are able to travel long distances with such a busy schedule we are also asking that you also send in any nominations to be considered that have the following criteria:
· Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces or RCMP of other conflicts or eras
· Has some connection to the Battle of Vimy Ridge or the 1st World War (family relations that served or died in battle)
· Is comfortable sharing his/her Military experiences, and making informal presentations about his/her experiences to members of the delegation and the public
· Is physically capable of making the trip, in good health and has a doctors approval for extended travel
If we are unable to find a representative from the first group then Veterans Affairs may consider us providing representation from the second group so I would like to have our nominations ready if that is the case.
Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and we look forward to having your nominations prior to 11 January 2016.
"Shoulder to Shoulder"
Deanna Fimrite -Dominion Secretary-Treasurer
The Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS)
6 Beechwood Avenue, Suite #2
Ottawa, ON K1L 8B4
Tel: (613) 744-0222 Fax: (613) 744-0208
Email: or
Website: anavets,ca
NVOC Unit 7 was invited to have a tour of the Hurcules
On Saturday December 10th our NVOC Unit 7 was invited to have a tour of the Hurcules
CC130J aircraft at the Oshawa Airport. The aircraft was there to pick up a group of Militia Paratroopers for an exercise in Trenton. It was a great opportunity for our unit to get to-gether and tour the Hurcules.
A big thank-you to Jay Marrin and his crew for this rare opportunity.
Bob Hartley, Chairman, Whity Unit 7
Left to right, Dave Barkwell, Bob
Hartley and Jay Marrin. Just to left of Dave (over his shoulder) is another
member Wally Gardener.
Passing of Lieutenant-General Charles H. Belzile, CM, CMM
"It is my sad duty to inform you that LGen Charlie Belzile, formerly 2nd Battalion QOR of C, passed away today. Former Commander Force Mobile Command, Gen Belzile's service with the Regiment took him from Korea to Calgary, Esquimalt to Lahr, Quebec City to Cyprus. After a tour as Brigade Major in Germany, he was promoted LCol and appointed Commanding Officer of the 2nd Battalion, R22R. As Col he commanded the Combat Arms School, Gagetown, as BGen commanded 4 CMBG in Lahr and as MGen, Canadian Forces Europe. Upon promotion to LGen, Gen Belzile commanded the Canadian Army.
A few Riflemen will remember meeting him when the Regiment sent Guards for the 50th Anniversary of D-Day in 1994 and a subsequent visit to Normandy in 1997, when he was chair of the Canadian Battlefields Foundation, and gave us a private tour and discussion on how the French people to this day view the Riflemen that went before us, and the appreciation they have for our Regiment.
Rest in Peace Sir, and thank you."L/Col Sandi Banerjee
Commanding Officer of The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada
Information on changes to the administration of the Canadian Armed Forces pension plan
In July 2016, the administration of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) pension plans for active members was transferred to the Government of Canada Pension Centre at Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC).
On January 3, 2017, the functionality to administer CAF pensions for retired CAF members and their survivors/child(ren) will also be added to the Government of Canada pension system.
An Annuitant Communiqué will be sent via Canada Post to retired members in November 2016. This will be the second time retired members are being informed of the upcoming changes.
Information about the transition is available on the Department of National Defence (DND) Web site at:
Below is a list of questions and answers that your organization may receive from retired members.
1. I received a letter about changes to my pension, what does this mean?
The Department of National Defence (DND) is informing active and retired members about the transfer of the administration of their CAF pension plans to the Government of Canada Pension Centre at Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC). No action is required from you. DND is simply informing you of the upcoming changes.
2. When does this transition affect retired members?
The administration of pension payments for retired members and their survivors/children will begin to be administered by the Government of Canada Pension Centre on January 3, 2017.3. Will I have to do anything to transfer my pension file?
No, DND will transfer all member files and convert them to electronic versions. This will provide pension experts easier and faster access to your pension information
4. As a retired member, will this affect my pension benefit payments?
As a retired member, a survivor or child(ren), benefits will continue to be paid in accordance with the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (CFSA) rules.
5. Will I continue to have access to my epost account?
Retired members will continue to have access to epost, Canada Post’s secure online delivery service that offers a paperless alternative to receiving pension documents by mail. Pension documents will arrive in your epost mailbox as soon as they are issued.
For information about registering for an epost account, please visit the following link (
6. What improvements to client service will I see from the transition to the new pension solution?
Active and retired members and their survivors/child(ren) can look forward to the following improvements after the transition:
· greater accuracy, consistency and timeliness in processing transactions and payments;
· access to a secure web portal for active members;
· access to online Pension Benefit Statements for contributors to the pension plans (available approximately one year after transition); and
· environmentally friendly operations resulting from the elimination of paper files. All member files will be converted to electronic versions.
A more automated solution will allow pension experts to focus on providing an improved level of individual counselling to members.
7. Where can I go for information about CAF pension plans?
Visit the Government of Canada CAF Pension Web site for active and retired members at Here, members will find comprehensive information on CAF pension plans, all relevant forms, and links to related information.
NVOC Wreath laying 11 Nov 2016
Gord attended the National Remembrance Service and layed a wreath for the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada. I was the MC here in Merrickville for our Remembrance - as a Legion member who was the organizer and we had over two hundred attendees today - our three Elementary Schools were here. We laid a wreath for "The War Animals" - lots of emotions.
Gord and I met at the National Aboriginal Veterans ceremony on 8 November in Ottawa. We (NVOC) were recognized by their President as being amongst friends - they hosted an impressive ceremony at the Aboriginal Memorial - with a very nice buffet lunch at the Lord Elgin. The focus this year was on the 24 Aboriginal Cadets attending the Royal Military College ( a one year program that gives them all a look at the military - very few stay at RMC - some go into the Ranks and others are given a leg up at other Universities) - a very clever Military effort to attract aboriginal youth for "Leadership" opportunities. The event was a very Class Act - the Minister of Veterans Affairs attended [ first time] - as did the Army Commander and his Army Sgt-Major. Nice attitudes and nice atmosphere. I was proud to stand with Gord to represent us all. We are a small gathering of like minded veterans .
Important Changes to Canada's Entry Requirements
As of November 10, 2016, an electronic verification process will take place for all passengers flying to Canada, including Canadian citizens and dual national Canadian citizens<>.
Canadian citizens who are also citizens of a visa-exempt country<>, such as the Netherlands, who may have used their non-Canadian passport to fly to Canada, will need to obtain a valid Canadian passport before flying to Canada. If a Canadian citizen does not have a valid Canadian passport, they may not be able to board their flight.
With Remembrance Day coming up shortly, we anticipate that some Canadian veterans may be travelling for special events. It is therefore important to remind your members that a Canadian passport is the only reliable and universally accepted identification document that serves as evidence that a Canadian citizen has the right to enter Canada.
The Government of Canada strongly recommends that Canadians who plan on travelling internationally, including returning to Canada, travel with a valid Canadian passport.
More info at <>
Minister of Veterans Affairs launches Veterans' Week at Senate Ceremony
OTTAWA, Nov. 3, 2016 - The Honourable Kent Hehr, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, joined the Honourable George Furey, Speaker of the Senate of Canada and the Honourable Geoff Regan, Speaker of the House of Commons, for a special remembrance ceremony in the Senate Chamber today. The Senate ceremony of remembrance is a signature event and marks the beginning of Veterans' Week in Canada.
This annual commemorative ceremony invites Veterans and currently serving Canadian Armed Forces personnel to participate in the official launch of this important week, which encourages acts of remembrance and continued support for Canada's Veterans.
Veterans' Week is celebrated in Canada every year from November 5 to 11. The Government of Canada, as well as Veterans' organizations, youth groups, and individuals throughout the country hold hundreds of commemorative ceremonies and events to honour Canada's Veterans, still-serving Canadian Armed Forces personnel and RCMP, as well as to pay tribute to those who have fallen in the line of duty.
"For over twenty years, Veterans' Week has brought Canadians together to honour the sacrifices and achievements of Canada's Veterans and still-serving military personnel. We want Canadians who have sacrificed and those who continue to serve to know – we are so proud and thankful for your service to this great country. We will always remember your contributions."
The Honourable Kent Hehr, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence
"Over two million Canadian men and women from all walks of life have made, and continue to make lasting contributions during times of war, conflict and peace. Today, we commend the bravery of these individuals and reflect on the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform. They have known first-hand what it means to face the many difficulties associated with military conflict and have given this country an immeasurable gift through their service. To them and to those who came before them, we are forever indebted and grateful."
The Honourable George J. Furey, Q.C., Speaker of the Senate of Canada
"The Centre Block of Canada's Parliament Buildings stands as a memorial to those who served and died in the First World War. This year, Canada's fallen soldiers are honoured in a very special way: a visual display of 117,000 falling poppies will be projected onto Centre Block every evening until November 11th. The Poppy Drop is a beautiful and powerful commemoration of those Canadians who gave their lives to protect the freedoms we enjoy. I encourage everyone to take the time to remember them."
The Honourable Geoff Regan, Speaker of the House of Commons
Quick Facts
This Veterans' Week (November 5-11), Canadians are invited to join in honouring the hundreds of thousands of Canadian men and women who bravely served our country during these conflicts.
Next year, Canada will mark the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele and the 75th anniversary of the Dieppe Raid.
Since Confederation, more than 2.3 million Canadians have served in Canada's armed forces to defend freedom and democracy—with more than 118,000 having given their lives.
Veterans' Week is a time when all Canadians come together to honour those who have sacrificed and those who continue to serve today to make our world a safer place. This Veterans' Week, Remember Them. Learn more at
In a world where social media connects millions of us, the Government of Canada invites Canadians to take part in one or more acts of remembrance leading up to November 11. Tag posts with #RememberThem to help show how Canada remembers.
Associated Links
Invitation to an exhibition launch on Thursday, November 3, 2016.
RSVP required (space is limited):
The Diefenbunker: Canada's Cold War Museum is honoured to partner with the Embassy of Hungary in Canada to present two travelling exhibitions in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution.
For Freedom and Independence pays tribute to the young leaders of the spontaneous Hungarian uprising that grew to become a revolution and fight for freedom in 1956. The exhibition was produced by the Terror Háza Múzeum (House of Terror Museum) in Budapest, Hungary. Founded in 2002, the Museum features exhibits related to the fascist and communist regimes in 20th century Hungary, and serves as a memorial to their victims.
Produced by The Rakoczi Foundation, the Hungarian Exodus commemorates the arrival to Canada of over 37,000 refugees following the Hungarian uprising of 1956, and of the contribution of Hungarian Canadians to this country.
Founded in 1953 to maintain Hungarian cultural traditions in Canada, and to help Hungarian-Canadians establish roots in their new adopted homeland, the Toronto-based Rakoczi Foundation has since become a pillar of the community in its commitment to students through scholarship programs and grants, and for its humanitarian relief that reaches out to those in need in Canada and Europe.
Date: Thursday, November 3rd, 2016
Optional guided of the Museum: 6 to 7 pm
Reception and exhibition launch: 7 to 9 pm
Refreshments provided by the Embassy of Hungary.
RSVP required (space is limited):
The exhibition continues to December 31, 2016.
For more information contact Megan Lafrenière at or 613-839-0007 x227.
The event is sponsored by the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight 60th Anniversary Memorial Board
Legion Presents Virtual Poppy Drop on Parliament Hill
OTTAWA, ON, 24 October 2016 – To commemorate the launch of the 2016
Legion Poppy Campaign, The Royal Canadian Legion’s Dominion Command will
conduct a virtual Poppy Drop on Parliament Hill.
From October 28th to November 11th inclusive, between 6pm and 9pm, a virtual Poppy Drop of 117,000 Poppies (one for each of Canada’s Fallen), will be projected each night on the Peace Tower and Centre Block on Parliament Hill.
“The virtual Poppy Drop will be a stunning, large-scale reminder of the sacrifices of Canada’s Veterans, with the added significance of having that display on the Peace Tower and Centre Block of our Parliament Buildings,” says Royal Canadian Legion Dominion President, Dave Flannigan. In addition to cascading Poppies, there will be two video screens presenting the Legion’s Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance, a photo montage of Canadian Veterans who have served and sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today.
The virtual Poppy Drop will be a memorable and highly symbolic visual display that will perpetuate the memory and deeds of the Fallen. We encourage everyone to come to Parliament Hill the evenings of October 28 through November 11 to take a moment to pause and remember.
Determinants of Successful Transition Research Study
Please see below the message from the Veterans Ombudsman, Guy Parent who is looking for Veterans for a research study on successful transition.
The criteria are:
1. That they were medically released between 2006 and 2014
2. They feel that they had a successful transition
Greetings from Ottawa:
My team is getting ready to launch a small qualitative research study to better understand the factors during the release process that facilitate a successful transition and integration into civilian life for medically-released CAF members.
We are looking for 15 to 20 Veterans who medically-released between 2006 and 2014 who feel they have successfully transitioned. They must be willing to share their personal experiences with us. To ensure valid research outcomes, we will be screening Veterans to establish a representative sample of participants, including both male and female, Regular and Reserve Force members, and with varying years of service. Participation in our study is completely voluntary and participants’ information will be kept confidential.
Guy Parent
Veterans Ombudsman | Ombudsman des vétérans
Office of the Veterans Ombudsman | Bureau de l'ombudsman des vétérans
Ottawa, Canada
Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation presented to Ontario residents October 6, 2016 — Gatineau, QC
The Honourable Kent Hehr, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, today presented the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation to the following Ontario residents, honouring their contributions in the service of Canada’s Veterans:
Through their efforts, these citizens provide invaluable support to the Veteran community, promoting greater awareness of the sacrifices and achievements of Canada’s Veterans and dedicating themselves to Veteran care.
“The Government of Canada is proud to recognize these selfless and dedicated individuals who have provided incredible contributions toward their communities and the lives of Canada’s Veterans.”
The Honourable Kent Hehr, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence
Note - NVOC now has 5 of the Executive wearing this prestigious award
Canada’s forgotten Cold Warriors
The Globe and Mail
The federal election campaign, coupled with recent compelling reporting in The Globe and Mail about Canada’s military veterans, has stimulated welcome – and much needed – discussion about our veterans and the ways in which they are treated. Read More
Veterans ombudsman releases report calling for improvements
The Guardian Charlottetown
Veterans and their survivors who fall under the New Veterans Charter for pain and suffering need more money, Veterans Ombudsman Guy Parent . Read article
Military ombudsman rips dizzying delay in ex-soldier benefits
Canada's military ombudsman is calling on the Liberal government to line up veterans benefits and services for every injured soldier before they are given a medical discharge... read more
Time to Provide Full Medical Support to our Modern-day Veterans
Commentary by Gord Jenkins Esprit de corps September 2016 pdf file
NVOC presentation to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veterans
The following is the presentation made by NVOC to the House of Commons Standing Committee: Veterans today, June 2nd. In reading this you will get a good understanding of the issues that NVOC is vigorously pursuing with the Canadian Government. Legion Service Bureau Network which has been around since 1926 and has Service Officers across the country at Legion Branches and Provincial Commands. These Service Officers can assist former and current members of the CF and RCMP and their families by representing their interests in claiming disability benefits under the Pension Act from Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) and the Veterans Review and Appeal Board (VRAB).
Contact a Service Officer
MPP Harris proposes broader rules for service dogs - read more
Unit 5 participates in US Memorial Day celebrations
Cambridge represented Canada at Memorial Day celebrations in the United States on Monday (May 30).
It was a day to honour American veterans who fought in foreign wars.
Cambridge Royal Canadian Legion members from Preston Branch 126 and Hespeler Branch 272, accompanied by 30 Royal Canadian Air Cadets and officers from Tudor Squadron 822, along with representatives of Cambridge NATO Veterans were in Celoron, N.Y. - read the complete article in the Cambridge Times
Letter from Paul Delaney
re: New eligibility criteria of the National Field Honour
April 12 Veterans Affairs Committee MeetingVideo link to Meeting No. 6 ACVA - Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs
Help Shape the Future Defence Policy
Canadians will get to have their say in shaping the Nation’s defence policy through a series of collaborative and interactive public consultations, undertaken by the federal government.
On April 6, 2016, Harjit Singh Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, announced the Government of Canada’s (GoC’s) intent to consult with Canadians about the future of Defence.
The objective of the public consultations is to promote the GoC’s commitment to open and transparent dialogue with Canadians, and other key stakeholders, including members of the Defence Team, in the development of the new Defence Policy.
These consultation sessions are focused on a number of themes and priorities but focus on three fundamental areas of enquiry:
What are the main threats and challenges to Canadian national security?
These discussions will take place in cities across Canada from April to July, 2016. All Canadians are encouraged participate online.
To learn more about contributing, visit the GOC’s newly launched consultations portal at Defence Policy Review.
Download the Registration form or Sponsorship Opportunities